Hong Xu, Henry
Research Interests
I work on systems and networking. I lead the NetX Lab. Welcome to visit us!
Our research is/was supported by funding from Research Grants Council (RGC) of
Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Huawei, Microsoft Research Asia, Azure, Amazon Web Services, etc.
Current Projects
Recent Publications (full list)
Prospective Students and Current Openings
[04/2024] I am looking for 1-2 PhD students starting in fall 2025. The early admissions exercise has begun and deadline of first-round intake is May 12, 2024 (second-round is July 25). See here for more details.
03/2025. Serving as the artifact evaluation co-chair of CoNEXT’25. Ping me if you'd like to volunteer for the AE process!
01/2025. Ayo accepted to ASPLOS’25! Congrats to Xin and the rest of the team!
12/2024. Serving on the PC of NSDI’26. Please submit!
12/2024. Two papers accepted to ToN.
11/2024. Yala is now open source.
10/2024. Serving on the PC of CoNEXT’25. Please submit!
10/2024. Yala accepted to ASPLOS’25! Congrats to Shaofeng and the rest of the team!
08/2024. Serving as the publicity co-chair of SIGCOMM’25 in Coimbra, Portugal.
08/2024. Serving on the PC of ICLR’25.
06/2024. Arlo accepted to ICPP’24! Congrats to Xin and the rest of the team!
05/2024. Serving on the PC of NeurIPS’24. Please submit!
03/2024. Open source GoMathL2O for our CVPR’24 paper. Also contains implementations of many baseline L2O methods.
03/2024. Serving on the PC of NSDI’25. Please submit!
02/2024. GoMathL2O, a robust learning to optimize method, accepted to CVPR’24! Congrats to Qingyu and Wei!
12/2023. Serving on the PC of ICNP’24 and ICDCS’24. Please submit.
12/2023. Three papers accepted to INFOCOM’24! Congrats to Qingyu, Wenlong, Yicheng, and the rest of the team!